Thursday, March 17, 2011

Dear Parents,

Since March 3 we have been blessed with $469,000 of donations towards our Chapel Performing Arts project. We have sold seats for the campaign at $1000 a seat, and 469 of the 750 seats have been sold. We praise God for this outpouring of generosity.

We want to provide every opportunity for you as current parents to be invited to buy a seat (s) as well. I know tuition and other costs of life add up for families with school age children. I see the free and reduced lunch numbers as principal and I marvel at the sacrifices families make to come here.

I also know that God has blessed some of you with talents and careers that have provide you the opportunity to be generous to the Kingdom of God.

I had to sell pancake tickets this week for a club I belong to. I was not passionate about the sale of these tickets. In the end, I will write a check myself. It is hard to sell pancakes.

Compare that to seats to a new chapel. I believe without a doubt, that the Kingdom of God will boldly advance with this project. I believe now is the time to build. I believe that we can enhance our worship and education at Unity Christian High School because of this campaign. I believe we have needs related to our current space for chapel and our current handicapped inaccessible entryways to the school building and the chapel area. I believe this is not a want but a true need.

Please prayerfully consider how you could support this project. If you want to take a tour, visit, discuss different ways to give, please set up an appointment with Mr. Bill Foreman, our Development Director.

If finances are tight, please pray for this project. We hope to build in May of 2012.

In Christ,

Wayne Dykstra