Dear Parents,
Yesterday we held our annual Senior / Freshmen
breakfast. The goal of this meeting is
for the seniors to fellowship with freshmen, and to share some advice with them
about how to maneuver their way to the senior year without catastrophic consequences. Here is some of the advice sahred:
Be yourself.
Do what you want to do. Being on a sports team is not a requirement to be
Don’t panic if you feel lost. It will get better.
“Avoid the urge to get a boyfriend or
girlfriend. Seriously, I know you have
raging hormones and everything, but it is not necessary. Relax.”
Remember you are here to glorify God.
Remember you are here to glorify God. Wow!
Out of the mouths of babes.
Parents, don’t we as adults need that reminder as well? It is so easy to get lost in out pride and
performance. Our days are evaluated on
our own selfish agendas and not a give-God-the-glory-agenda.
When I heard #5 yesterday, I was once again reminded that
the student often teaches the teacher.
Thanks seniors!