Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Dear Friends of Unity,

How do you feel about enrollment growth?  What would your dream for Unity be in the area of optimal enrollment?  We are currently at 264 students. 

What would increased enrollment growth mean for Unity Christian?  Would a higher enrollment mean lower tuition?  More services?  Better co-curricular programs?  Is bigger better?  What might be overlooked if growth happens?  What might be gained?  What can Unity Christian physically handle for enrollment growth? 

I think it is safe to say that enrolment crisis has not been a part of Unity’s past.  We have not had potential “ close the door” conversations, or severe budget cut decisions, like schools across this country.  For that, we thank God.  

In a recent parent survey, we learned that 63% of those surveyed, or 81 respondents, desire Unity to grow into the broader evangelical church community of Northwest Iowa.  I share in that sentiment.  This school is an active sphere in the Kingdom of God.   We want others to join us!   

Enrollment growth based on the desire to build the Kingdom of God is what we are aiming for as a Christian school.  To grow, we do not need to sell out on who we are, but we may need to be more intentional in our efforts to share who we are.   Sharing who we are, will take us out into the public more with more marketing efforts.   Last Spring we wrote a philosophy of marketing for enrolment growth.  It is found on our website under the title, Considering Unity.  I encourage you to read it. 

Prayer for us, as we seek enrollment growth.  Help us share the good things of Unity with those around you.  Tell your story of how Unity blessed your family.  Be ready to tell your Christian education story.  I have heard many tell a story like this: tuition seemed like a mountain at the time when many of us started, but looking back we can say it is one of the best investments we could make for our children.  


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Even Greater Than A Victory at State

Dear Parents,

Yesterday was a great Unity day! Our girls basketball team played an outstanding game. So

many Unity fans had safe travels and cheered loudly. It was a great day; to God be the glory!

We are so thankful to God for his presence in our lives. This presence goes beyond a great

day like yesterday. His presence and his love for us is everlasting. 

Psalm 89: 1-3 ( NIV)
I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness
known through all generation. I will declare that your love stands firm forever, that you have established your faithfulness in heaven itself. You said,“I have made a covenant with my chosen one.."

At our pep rally send off, the girls team and all present were challenged to play and to cheer for an audience of One. The One we cheer is our Lord Jesus Christ. And this One does not measure us on our playing time, our shooting percentage, our grades in school or our volunteering in the community. 

His love stands firm forever.