Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Dear Unity Family,

“ Yet he has made an everlasting covenant with me.”

2 Samuel 23:5

I wonder if author fathomed what he meant when he wrote this verse. It is certainly prophetic. When Jesus arrived in a stable and went to the cross, he manifested that everlasting covenantal promise.

Everlasting is an amazing word. It goes beyond our finite sense of time. It makes the uncomfortable parts of life fade like a mist.

I remember learning about covenants in 7th grade Bible class. When God made his covenants he did so, knowing we had no way of upholding our end of the deal.

That makes the stable and the cross even more amazing.

Rejoice with me. We serve a God who is faithful in His covenant promises, and eternally everlasting. And we are invited to live and fellowship with Him!

Merry Christmas,

Wayne Dykstra

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

He Came Anyway

Dear Parents,
As Christmas approaches, I feel the tension in myself to steer away from the worship of our King to the pursuit of what I am going to spend my Christmas bonus on. Do you suffer from the same tension?
I stumbled across this Max Lucado quote this morning.
“There is no way our little minds can comprehend the love of God. But that didn’t keep him from coming.”
What I love more and more about God, is His ability to look past our misguided priorities. He came into our lives “while were yet sinners” and removed our sins – past, present and future. He came in spite of our mess. He lived in our mess and redeemed us from it.
I will Sing of My Redeemer is not a typical Christmas hit that you will hear on the radio, but you can sing it. Sing it because “he came anyway.”
May His love unwrap in your life like an ongoing Christmas present.
Merry Christmas Unity Family,
W. Dykstra

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Living Thankfully

Dear Parents,

Thanks-giving has come to a end for another calendar year. I love Thanksgiving. As a former Canadian-now-US-Citizen, I can say that this is one holiday we Americans have nailed down to perfection. It is the worship time together, the food, the family and the football that make it all worthwhile.

This past Thanksgiving, I heard one of the best sermons ever. Probably, what made it a top 10, was my need to hear it. The theme was living thankfully. The church was /is Faith Reformed Church in Dyer, Indiana. The pastor of this sermon - Mike Pitsenberger. I strongly encourage you to listen to it. You can cut and paste this link in your browser or download it to your i-Pod.

If we chose to live thankfully before God we are able to walk through the valley of suffering and reach the mountaintop of joy, being thankful.

Ephesians 5: 15-20 was the sermon passage.

Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

How do we give God thanks in the midst of illness, marital struggles, depression and all the other issues we face? Listen to this sermon.

Wayne Dykstra

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Parenting in a Social Networking World

Dear Parents.

Last night almost 100 parents attended our focus group event Parenting in a Social Networking World. We had a great night sharing with each other and encouraging each other on ways to guide our kids.

We learned last night that we are living in an incredibly exciting time and an equally dangerous time. As a Christian community we want to lead in healthy Internet usage. Last night was a great chance for families to be encouraged and challenged.

Here are some ideas and resources that I feel are worth sharing for all Unity parents, whether you were here last night or not:

Concerned about bullying? This site is a government site and not all the information on it is in line with a biblical worldview. Use discernment when needed. It does provide great resources.

Not sure how to use the internet? Want to get educated on Facebook? Twitter? Consider this website.

Survey Results from 139 students at Unity:

  • · 61% of our freshman and sophomores on Facebook have not shared their passwords with their parents.
  • · The number place to be harassed or bullied is not the internet. It is still the school hallways.
  • · Facebook is in decline and Twitter is increasing in popularity. One reason why is the increased usage of Facebook among adults: grandparents are even now on facebook. That makes Twitter the hot new place for teens to communicate.

Great Filter Suggestions: Check out the I-Boss: This filter allows parents to control the wireless signal into the home. You can shut all wireless down at anytime. This filter also sends parents a daily report that lists all websites that your kids go to. It will red-flag searches of inappropriate words and send you an alert message.

Students are telling us that while the school laptops are well filtered their home computers are not.

Concerned about pornography? It is a devastating addiction that experts are saying starts on average for 11 year olds. Consider reading one of the following books with your kids: Every Young Man’s Battle by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker, and / or Every Young Woman’s Battle, by Stephen Arterburn and Shannon Ethridge.

Parents, this roundtable message is also on my blog. If you want to add to this written piece go to the school website, click on Principal’s Blog, and leave a post.

In Christ,

Wayne Dykstra

Monday, November 14, 2011

An A-maize-ing Day!

Looking back, it was likely one of the best days ever at Unity Christian High School. God had a plan and man did it ever come together!

The story you might have caught on KTIV news was this: Over 300 people, 60 plus pieces of farm equipment and 8 school busses descended on two farm fields on the afternoon of October 31, 2011 to assist farmers in picking up ears of corn left on the ground as a result of a crop fire. How nice to see teens serving others. But there is so much more to the story.

A month early God planted a seed in the minds of 4-5 teachers who attended the Heartland Teacher Conference. A presentation at the conference by Ron Vos, got several of us thinking about world hunger and possible solutions of food distribution in the 3rd world. We left the sectional thinking, couldn’t we do something? It wasn’t a pray; just a thought.

On Sunday, October 16 I received a phone call from a local famer. Is there anything Unity can do to help out? I have a burned field of corn, with ears all over the ground. The first thought I had, was guarded. We will see.

In the days that followed, we visited the site of the fire and we learned how much money could be earned picking up 2 fields of corn. And then selfishness and greed kicked in. Wow, we could spend $10,000 to $15,000 on ourselves! We could get....... God let us roll around in our thoughts for awhile. And He waited.

When the teachers were presented with the idea about taking time out of school to pick up corn, the reaction was both guarded and positive. Several teachers took some time to reflect, and came back later with a well thought out reaction. This is where God re-emerges. How about we consider using a corn picking day as an educational opportunity, and a mission opportunity to bless those elsewhere. And the guilt of our selfishness was burned away as quickly as the stalks of corn weeks earlier.

The day itself was a whirlwind of excitement. The weather was incredibly suitable. All the equipment we needed and prayed for was ready and working, farmers included. It was a great day for students to see both old and new farming techniques at work.

It was amazing to see how God brought all the details together. He always does.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Dear Parents,

“The beans are turning yellow.”

I heard that the other day, and I panicked. That sounds bad; but it is not. In fact, it is great news! It turns out in agriculture vernacular, yellow beans in September is a sign that crops are ripening. It is a confident statement that God is at work in the field temperature because he is a God of change and growth.

The psalmist writes in Psalm 113:3:

From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised.

We are now 11 days into the school year. While the beans are turning yellow, in the fields, we see God at work in the lives of His children our students. Just last night, a young man came up to me to shake my hand and say, “ Hey sorry about the other day.” It was a beans-are-turning-yellow-education spiritual growth moment. I thanked the young man and thanked God moments later, for being at work in our lives.

From soybeans to sophomores, we need to stop and reflect, notice and rejoice in our God for the ability to move, to breath, to create and to change. He is always in season and at work.

Wayne Dykstra