Dear Parents.
Last night almost 100 parents attended our focus group event Parenting in a Social Networking World. We had a great night sharing with each other and encouraging each other on ways to guide our kids.
We learned last night that we are living in an incredibly exciting time and an equally dangerous time. As a Christian community we want to lead in healthy Internet usage. Last night was a great chance for families to be encouraged and challenged.
Here are some ideas and resources that I feel are worth sharing for all Unity parents, whether you were here last night or not:
Concerned about bullying? This site is a government site and not all the information on it is in line with a biblical worldview. Use discernment when needed. It does provide great resources.
Not sure how to use the internet? Want to get educated on Facebook? Twitter? Consider this website.
Survey Results from 139 students at Unity:
- · 61% of our freshman and sophomores on Facebook have not shared their passwords with their parents.
- · The number place to be harassed or bullied is not the internet. It is still the school hallways.
- · Facebook is in decline and Twitter is increasing in popularity. One reason why is the increased usage of Facebook among adults: grandparents are even now on facebook. That makes Twitter the hot new place for teens to communicate.
Great Filter Suggestions: Check out the I-Boss: This filter allows parents to control the wireless signal into the home. You can shut all wireless down at anytime. This filter also sends parents a daily report that lists all websites that your kids go to. It will red-flag searches of inappropriate words and send you an alert message.
Students are telling us that while the school laptops are well filtered their home computers are not.
Concerned about pornography? It is a devastating addiction that experts are saying starts on average for 11 year olds. Consider reading one of the following books with your kids: Every Young Man’s Battle by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker, and / or Every Young Woman’s Battle, by Stephen Arterburn and Shannon Ethridge.
Parents, this roundtable message is also on my blog. If you want to add to this written piece go to the school website, click on Principal’s Blog, and leave a post.
In Christ,
Wayne Dykstra
Some people are telling me that they cannot leave a post. I wonder if you have to officially log in as a follower?