Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Standing With Jesus

Dear Unity Friends,
I recently heard these words in the classic hymn by Edward Mote, and I have not been able to shake them from my mind.  Has that ever happened to you?

On Christ the solid Rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand
All other ground is sinking sand

In recent weeks we have seen images of sinking sand all around us.  Super-storm Sandy damage along the east coast. Missiles rocketed in the Gaza Strip. Wall street embezzlements.  Storms, missiles, and corporate greed aside, what does it mean to stand on the solid rock of Jesus Christ?  

It means we are cared for. John Calvin wrote that “we will never be able to arrive at a calm state of mind until we are taught to repose ( rest) with implicit confidence in the providence of God.”  To rest in the implicit confidence in the providence of God means resting in the unquestioning, protective, providing care of God. All other ground is sinking sand

In our high school we work with teenagers who are trying to figure out where they stand. Facebook “likes” and Twitter “re-tweets” appear to be the number one validation many strive for. Students are hungry for a digital affirmation from their peers. That might sound superficial to adults, but it is a new neighborhood where they walk.  And as we walk alongside these kids in person and on the internet, we get to remind them and ourselves, that we stand with Jesus Christ and he will not let go of us.  We stand in his protection and in his safety.  All other ground is sinking sand.

And we join you the Christian church and Christian home in the work of Kingdom building on Jesus Christ.  What a joy we have in standing with Jesus Christ.  What an opportunity we have to take a stand for Jesus! 

God bless you with His powerful this Christmas season,  

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