Monday, June 27, 2016

June 27, 2016

Dear Friends,

Tonight we wrap up the final event in Beijing, meeting with friends from Mt. Zion Church. Afterwards we hope to visit a shopping market. Need some gifts for the family!

This trip has been amazing and a huge thanks to the Board of Unity for sending me. In the past 3 days I have made specific and meaningful daily contacts with Christians interested in sending their children to the US for a Christian education.

A highlight of today was riding a bullet train to Beijing. We traveled at 300 KM per hour. The train had a restaurant area with tables and we could move about with ease.

China is a richly diverse country full of contrasts. We have seen poverty and affluence side by side. We have seen American culture influences everywhere and traces of communism. We have seen rural primitive agriculture, and cutting edge technologies. We have seen people made in the image of God living out their lives in a culture so similar and different from our own.

Yesterday, we worshiped in a house church, on the 10th floor of an office building. The skyline on Nanjing picture is from the church window. Afterwards we had lunch with the church leaders. Persecution of the house churches is real. They are watched closely. The government attempts to monitor and stop Bible studies in public. But as one church leader put it, “ If we were not being persecuted then maybe we are not doing enough for Christ?”

The Christian schools and churches in China need our prayers and our support. We have been asked repeatedly for partnerships. I know we could learn a lot from each other. The trip has infected me with a desire to lead in these partnerships.

For me, I am ready to go home. Tomorrow we leave for Beijing International at 5am, 4 pm your time. It has been a wonderful trip, and I am ready to see my family again. My friendship list has grown immensely in this trip. I met wonderful students and leaders from Wheaton, Calvin, Trinity, Korea, China and the US.

Xiexie ( thank you) for your prayers! And see you soon.

Wayne Dykstra

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